πŸ–₯️For Developers


// Obtain the UltimateGuilds instance
UltimateGuilds ultimateGuilds = UltimateGuildsProvider.get();
public interface UltimateGuilds {

    UserManager getUserManager();

    GuildManager getGuildManager();

    PluginMetadata getPluginMetadata();

    EventBus getEventBus();



 * Represents the object responsible for managing {@link User} instances.
 * <p>Note that User instances are automatically loaded for online players.
 * It's likely that offline players will not have an instance pre-loaded.</p>
 * <p>All blocking methods return {@link CompletableFuture}s, which will be
 * populated with the result once the data has been loaded/saved asynchronously.
 * Care should be taken when using such methods to ensure that the main server
 * thread is not blocked.</p>
 * <p>Methods such as {@link CompletableFuture#get()} and equivalent should
 * <strong>not</strong> be called on the main server thread. If you need to use
 * the result of these operations on the main server thread, register a
 * callback using {@link CompletableFuture#thenAcceptAsync(Consumer, Executor)}.</p>
public interface UserManager {

     * Loads a user from the plugin's storage provider into memory.
     * @param uniqueId the uuid of the user
     * @param username the username, if known
     * @return the resultant user
     * @throws NullPointerException if the uuid is null
    CompletableFuture<User> loadUser(UUID uniqueId, String username);

     * Loads a user from the plugin's storage provider into memory.
     * @param uniqueId the uuid of the user
     * @return the resultant user
     * @throws NullPointerException if the uuid is null
    default CompletableFuture<User> loadUser(UUID uniqueId) {
        return loadUser(uniqueId, null);

     * Uses the UltimateGuilds cache to find a uuid for the given username.
     * <p>This lookup is case insensitive.</p>
     * @param username the username
     * @return a uuid, could be null
     * @throws NullPointerException     if either parameters are null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the username is invalid
    CompletableFuture<UUID> lookupUniqueId(String username);

     * Uses the UltimateGuilds cache to find a username for the given uuid.
     * @param uniqueId the uuid
     * @return a username, could be null
     * @throws NullPointerException     if either parameters are null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the username is invalid
    CompletableFuture<String> lookupUsername(UUID uniqueId);

     * Gets a set all unique user UUIDs.
     * @return a set of uuids
    CompletableFuture<Set<UUID>> getUniqueUsers();

     * Gets a loaded user.
     * @param uniqueId the uuid of the user to get
     * @return a {@link User} object, if one matching the uuid is loaded, or null if not
     * @throws NullPointerException if the uuid is null
    User getUser(UUID uniqueId);

     * Gets a loaded user.
     * @param username the username of the user to get
     * @return a {@link User} object, if one matching the uuid is loaded, or null if not
     * @throws NullPointerException if the name is null
    User getUser(String username);

     * Gets a set of all loaded users.
     * @return a {@link Set} of {@link User} objects
    Set<User> getLoadedUsers();

     * Check if a user is loaded in memory
     * @param uniqueId the uuid to check for
     * @return true if the user is loaded
     * @throws NullPointerException if the uuid is null
    boolean isLoaded(UUID uniqueId);

 * Represents a user on the platform.
public interface User {

     * Gets the user's ID
     * @return the user's ID
    int getId();

     * Gets the users unique ID
     * @return the users Mojang assigned unique id
    UUID getUniqueId();

     * Gets the users username
     * <p>Returns null if no username is known for the user.</p>
     * @return the users username
    String getUsername();



 * The GuildManager interface provides methods to manage guilds.
public interface GuildManager {

     * Loads a guild with the given guildId asynchronously.
     * @param guildId The id of the guild to be loaded.
     * @return A CompletableFuture that completes with the loaded Guild.
    @NonNull CompletableFuture<Guild> loadGuild(int guildId);

     * Returns the Guild associated with the given guildId.
     * @param guildId the ID of the Guild
     * @return the Guild object corresponding to the guildId
    Guild getGuild(int guildId);

     * Retrieves the Guild object based on the specified guild ID.
     * @param user The user to get the guild for.
     * @return The Guild object associated with the specified guild ID, or null if the guild ID is not found.
    Guild getGuild(@NonNull User user);

     * Retrieves the set of loaded guilds.
     * @return A set of Guild objects representing the loaded guilds.
    Set<Guild> getLoadedGuilds();

     * Checks if a specific guild with the given ID is loaded.
     * @param guildId The ID of the guild to check.
     * @return {@code true} if the guild is loaded, {@code false} otherwise.
    boolean isLoaded(int guildId);

 * The Guild interface represents a guild.
 * It provides methods to manage members, invites, bans, and experience points.
public interface Guild {

     * Adds a new member to the system.
     * @param user the User object representing the member to be added
    void addMember(User user);

     * Removes an existing member from the system.
     * @param user the User object representing the member to be removed
    void removeMember(User user);

     * Updates an existing member in the system.
    void updateMember(User user, Rank rank);

     * Adds a new invite to the system.
     * @param user the User object representing the invite to be added
    void addInvite(User user, Source source);

     * Removes an invite from the system.
     * @param user the User object representing the invite to be removed
    void removeInvite(User user);

     * Removes the invite for a specific user.
     * @param userId the ID of the user whose invite is to be removed
    void removeInvite(int userId);

     * Adds a ban for a user in the system.
     * @param user the User object representing the user to be banned
    void addBan(User user, Source source);

     * Removes the ban for a specific user.
     * @param user the User object representing the user whose ban is to be removed
    void removeBan(User user);

     * Removes the ban of a user with the given user ID.
     * @param userId the ID of the user whose ban is to be removed
    void removeBan(int userId);

     * Checks if a user with the given user ID is banned.
     * @param userId the ID of the user to be checked for banning
     * @return true if the user is banned, false otherwise
    boolean isBanned(int userId);

     * Checks if a user is invited.
     * @param userId the ID of the user to check
     * @return true if the user is invited, false otherwise
    boolean isInvited(int userId);

     * Gets the member with the specified userId.
     * @param userId the unique identifier of the member
     * @return an Optional<User> object representing the member with the specified userId,
     * or an empty Optional if no member is found
    Optional<User> getMember(int userId);

     * Checks if the given user is a member in the system.
     * @param user the User object to check for membership
     * @return {@code true} if the user is a member, {@code false} otherwise
    boolean containsMember(User user);

     * Checks if a member with the specified userId exists in the system.
     * @param userId the userId of the member to check
     * @return true if a member with the specified userId exists, false otherwise
    boolean containsMember(int userId);

     * Increases the experience points (xp) of the user by the specified amount.
     * @param amount the amount of xp to be added
    void addXp(int amount);

     * Applies the specified multiplier to the value.
     * @param multiplier the value to multiply with
    void multiplier(double multiplier);


public interface PluginMetadata {

     * Gets the plugin version
     * @return the version of the plugin running on the platform
    String getVersion();

     * Gets the API version
     * @return the version of the API running on the platform
    String getApiVersion();



 * The UltimateGuilds event bus.
 * <p>Used to subscribe (or "listen") to UltimateGuilds events.</p>
public interface EventBus {

     * Registers a new subscription to the given event.
     * @param eventClass the event class
     * @param handler    the event handler
     * @param <T>        the event class
     * @return an event handler instance representing this subscription
    <T extends UltimateGuildsEvent> EventSubscription<T> subscribe(Class<T> eventClass, Consumer<? super T> handler);

     * Registers a new subscription to the given event.
     * @param <T>        the event class
     * @param plugin     a plugin instance to bind the subscription to.
     * @param eventClass the event class
     * @param handler    the event handler
     * @return an event handler instance representing this subscription
    <T extends UltimateGuildsEvent> EventSubscription<T> subscribe(Object plugin, Class<T> eventClass, Consumer<? super T> handler);





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