Server names must be consistent: you need a general prefix like "bedwars" and a distinction between lobby servers and match servers.
- bedwars-lobby-1
- bedwars-lobby-2
- bedwars-instance-1
- bedwars-instance-2
pixel.leader when there are multiple lobbies activate it only in one of them.
pixel.server-prefix.generic generic server mode prefix. Example "bedwars"
pixel.server-prefix.lobby lobby server prefix
pixel.server-prefix.instance instance server prefix
pixel.servers.dynamically-start enable if you are using Cerebrum
pixel.servers.max-servers maximum number of match servers (when using cerebrum)
pixel.matches.per-server maximum number of matches per server
pixel.matches.warning-percentage percentage of matches (-> servers) occupied to start other servers (when using cerebrum)
Defines permissions for the number of daily map choices
Add a configured Arena
The configured arena files need to be inserted into the "arenas" folder. Based on the type, insert the file in the respective folder ("solo" -> "1", "duo" -> "2", "trio" -> "3", "squad" -> "4").
pixel.server-prefix.lobby The generic prefix for all lobbies: following the example above -> bedwars-instance-
World Maps
UltimateBedwars is compatible with SlimeWorldManager, a plugin that greatly optimizes world management. In this case you will only need to have the <world_name>.slime file uploaded to MongoDB.
File name in lower case and consistent with the file name of its configuration in the lobby.
Map worlds must be created in each server instance.
Inside the plugin folder there is a "maps" folder. Inside "maps" insert all the world folders. The name of the folder must match that of the respective configuration file inserted in the lobby, only that here the world folder must be in lower case.